5th and 6th October 2021
Consultations with 40 Comhairle members


The National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP) are consulting with young Comhairle members online aged 12-18 years on sun protection behaviours. They want to gain insights into the following:

  • How best to reach 12-18 year olds to increase the awareness of sun protection, messages and medium to deliver awareness messages.
  • How to engage them to take sun protection behaviours including protecting skin from natural UV radiation in the sun and from artificial radiation in sunbeds.
  • The types of resources that impact upon their sun protection behaviours.

They wish to develop tools and resources which will engage young people and support their adoption of sun protective behaviours. Within the National Skin Cancer Prevention Plan children and young people are identified as a priority group and outlines an action to “include children and young people in the development of resources and implementation of programmes in which they are key stakeholders”.

Youth Advisory Committee: 
Tuesday 27th July

A group of 8 Comhairle members were involved in assisting and piloting the methodology which is being used in the October consultations.

Comhairli involved were as follows: Cavan, Cork City, Dublin South, Kerry, Laois, Longford and Sligo