Dáil na nÓg 2019 was a special one. In celebration of 100 years of democracy in Ireland and the sitting of the first Dáil in 1919, this year’s event took place in Leinster House. Dáil na nÓg is a biennial event, which in 2019 saw 155 delegates attend from the 31 local Comhairle na nÓg. Delegates took up seats in the Dáil chamber and workshops took place in the Committee Rooms. For the first time young people had the opportunity to cast their vote in the Dáil Chamber to set out a climate change agenda for the Comhairle na nÓg National Executive to lead on over the next two years.
The day opened with a celebratory opening ceremony, followed by workshops and a tour of the house for participating delegates. One of the most important parts of the day was the vote on the work-plan for the incoming 2020-21 Comhairle na nÓg National Executive. The day ended with the vote and a closing ceremony.
The Opening Ceremony of Dáil na nÓg 2019 was chaired by the Ceann Comhairle Seán Ó Fearghaíl.
The Closing Ceremony was chaired by Caoimhe Wall, Louth Comhairle na nÓg and member of the Dáil na nÓg Steering Committee. Dr Katherine Zappone, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, formally addressed the delegates at the closing ceremony.
Two members of the outgoing Comhairle na nÓg National Executive, Caoilfhinn Ní Choiligh, Westmeath Comhairle na nÓg, and Rhys Scully, Carlow Comhairle na nÓg presented on their work over the past two years on the topic of Equality in Schools. Others facilitated the workshop session.
Link to the workshop report here: Dáil na nÓg 2019 REPORT
Other speakers included climate activist Beth Doherty, Dublin City Comhairle na nÓg, Luke Chambers, Clare Comhairle na nÓg and Sineaid Whelan, Dun Laoghaire / Rathdown Comhairle na nÓg who gave Inputs on Climate Change and the development of the theme to date, and Niall Byrne, Kilkenny Comhairle na nÓg who spoke about Comhairle na nÓg and Dáil na nÓg.
Delegates worked in small discussion groups on the theme of Climate Change under the three topics below. They were tasked with coming up with actions which will form the basis of the work of the incoming Comhairle na nÓg National Executive 2020-21.
- Action Plan to reduce Single Use Plastics
- A Youth Driven National Awareness Campaign
- More Climate Conscious Transport Solutions
At the end of the day, delegates had the opportunity to cast their vote in the Dáil Chamber on the issue of climate change. More Climate-Conscious Transport Solutions came out on top by an overwhelming majority.
A tree planting ceremony took place on the morning of the event at 10am—an idea which came from the young people on the Dáil na nÓg Steering Committee. The Ceann Comhairle, along with members of the Steering Committee and all young people who had a speaking role on the day, were involved in the ceremony.
Dáil na nÓg Steering Committee 2019
In the lead-up to Dáil na nÓg, we have established a steering committee made up of members and coordinators from three Comhairlí: Clare, Dun Laoghaire / Rathdown and Louth in addition to members of the Department of Children and Youth Affairs’ Participation Team. This group has been tasked with the planning for the event and coming up with ways to make it the best one ever. They will be consulted with for all areas including theme selection, merchandise, promotion and publications, facilitators, social media and food. The Comhairle members will also take part in a
pilot in September to work on the workshop methodology for the day.